Chi fornisce metano all'italia?

Chi fornisce metano all'italia?

Chi fornisce metano all'italia?

Russia, Algeria, Libia. E poi Olanda e Norvegia. L'Italia dipende soprattutto da questi Paesi per il rifornimento di gas, che viene prodotto all'estero e poi importato tramite gasdotti internazionali o trasportato via mare in forma liquefatta come GNL e importato tramite terminali di rigassificazione.

Where does Italgas Reti operate?

  • As Italgas Reti we operate throughout Italy and we are the licensee of the gas distribution service in over 1,600 municipalities. As Italgas Reti we operate throughout Italy and hold a concession for gas distribution in over 1,600 municipalities.

What are the functional unbundling obligations of Italgas Reti?

  • Italgas Reti is a natural gas distribution company operating within a vertically integrated company (Italgas Group) and it is therefore subject to functional unbundling obligations as defined by the Functional Unbundling Consolidation Act (TIUF – Annex A to Resolution /R/COM of 15).

Why work with Italgas?

  • Every day, for more than 180 years, the work of Italgas’ men and women has enabled millions of Italians to use gas, a sustainable, durable and reliable energy source. Through our work we aim to promote the fundamental role of natural gas in the energy transition process towards a decarbonised and circular economy.

What is the Italgas group procedure for handling reports?

  • Italgas Reti has adopted the Italgas Group Procedure for handling reports, which defines a process of information flows for the receipt, analysis and determination of actions to be taken regarding presumed irregularities. Ordinary mail: Italgas S.p.a., Internal Audit, Via Carlo 3 Milano (MI)

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