Quanti Gate aeroporto Cagliari?

Quanti Gate aeroporto Cagliari?
I banchi check-in sono 42, mentre i gate d'imbarco sono 14. Sono disponibili diversi servizi per il comfort dei passeggeri: qui di seguito troverete le informazioni utili per vivere al meglio la vostra esperienza all'interno dell'aeroporto di Cagliari.
Quanto è grande l'aeroporto di Cagliari?
Organizzata su livelli distinti per arrivi e partenze, per un totale di 32 mila metri quadrati di superficie coperta, la nuova aerostazione sarà in grado di gestire un traffico annuo di 4 milioni di passeggeri: il doppio del dato registrato nel 2002.
What is Cagliari Elmas Airport?
- The specific area where the airport is located is Elmas and thus the name Cagliari Elmas Airport. Amongst the local Italians the airport is also referred to as Aeroporto Mario Mameli. The airport was opened on the 3rd of May 1937 and is the main international gateway to the island of Sardinia.
Where is the closest airport to Cagliari?
- Duty free. Cagliari Airport, also known as Cagliari Elmas Airport, is located 7km northwest of Cagliari on the Island of Sardinia. The specific area where the airport is located is Elmas and thus the name Cagliari Elmas Airport.
Is Cagliari airport duty free?
- Duty free. Cagliari Airport, also known as Cagliari Elmas Airport, is located 7km northwest of Cagliari on the Island of Sardinia. The specific area where the airport is located is Elmas and thus the name Cagliari Elmas Airport. Amongst the local Italians the airport is also referred to as Aeroporto Mario Mameli.
What is the name of the airport in Sardinia?
- Statistics from Assaeroporti. Cagliari Elmas Airport (IATA: CAG, ICAO: LIEE) is an international airport located in the territory of Elmas, near Cagliari, on the Italian island of Sardinia.