Chi è il boss della Camorra?

Chi è il boss della Camorra?
Raffaele Cutolo Raffaele Cutolo (Ottaviano, 10 dicembre 1941 – Parma, 17 febbraio 2021) è stato un mafioso italiano, fondatore nonché capo della Nuova Camorra Organizzata.
What are the sails of Scampia?
- The Sails of Scampia (Vele di Scampia, in Italian) are an example of how architecturecan influence thebehavior of citizens, or at least, how it can be used for unlawful purposes quite successfully. During the 80s the Camorra criminal organization managed to establish itself in the Sails of Scampia, then a newly created neighborhood in Naples.
What happened to Scampia?
- In time, the residents of Scampia began to grow tired of the degradation that was synonymous with poverty and organised crime and started campaigning for new apartments to be built.
Do you know of the Vele di Scampia in Naples?
- Many people outside Naples who have heard of the Vele di Scampia may have done so because they feature in a book I wrote, and a film and a TV series made around it: Gomorrah, about the Camorra mafia clans in Naples which took root in Le Vele, among other places, and effectively took over the estate complex.
What does Scampia feud stand for?
- The Scampia feud (in Italian: La faida di Scampia) was a feud between the Camorra gangs in the Neapolitan quartiere of Scampia which broke out in 20. The fight was between the Di Lauro clan, from Secondigliano, and the so-called " secessionists " (Italian "scissionisti"), a breakaway faction in...