Chi è il personaggio Geronimo Stilton?

Chi è il personaggio Geronimo Stilton?
Tea Stilton Trappola StiltonBenjamin StiltonGeronimo Stilton Elisabetta Dami/Personaggi creati
Quanto vale Geronimo Stilton?
Geronimo Stilton: 4 libri delle avventure (valore 76 Euro) Ediz. Illustrata, Editore Piemme, prezzo di copertina 23,95€ 3) Nel Regno della Fantasia.
Quanti anni ha Benjamin Stilton?
otto anni Benjamin Stilton, nipote preferito di Geronimo, al quale è legatissimo, ha otto anni e frequenta la terza elementare. È molto bravo a scuola, tranne in educazione fisica, in cui, come lo zio Geronimo, non se la cava affatto.
Who are the characters in Geronimo Stilton?
- The Thea Sisters are the main characters of the Thea Stilton book series, a spinoff of the Geronimo Stilton series. The main characters are Colette, Violet, Nicky, Paulina, and Pamela.
What is the Geronimo Stilton series?
- Geronimo Stilton. Geronimo Stilton is an Italian children's book series published by Edizioni Piemme of Milan , Italy, since 2000. Although the series credits its title character as the author, the idea was originally thought of by Elisabetta Dami . On older novels, the copyright is issued to a pseudonym "Geronimo Stilton";
What are the Geronimo Stilton books?
- Geronimo Stilton is the title character and protagonist of the Geronimo Stilton book series. Geronimo Stilton is characterized by his persistent anxious and fearful state, easily allowing him to be dubbed as a "scared-y mouse.". Geronimo despises Halloween, suffers from motion sickness, is allergic to cinnamon, and fears cats above all else.