Quando nasce Harriet Avery?

Quando nasce Harriet Avery?
April scoprirà in seguito di essere incinta di Jackson e nell'ultima puntata della dodicesima stagione le si rompono le acque e, grazie al valido aiuto del dottor Warren, partorisce una bambina alla quale viene dato il nome Harriet Kepner Avery.
Che fine ha fatto Jackson Avery?
L'attore Jesse Williams se ne va dopo dodici stagioni. Un altro personaggio lascia “Grey's Anatomy”. L'attore Jesse Williams, 39 anni, che interpreta il personaggio di Jackson Avery da 12 stagioni, nella serie mandata in onda dalla Abc, ha annunciato che getta la spugna.
Who is Harriet Kepner-Avery?
- Harriet Kepner-Avery is the daughter of April Kepner and Jackson Avery.
What are some interesting facts about Harriet Avery?
- Her older brother, Samuel, died before she was born. She was born at Meredith's House and delivered by Ben Warren. She was a footling breech baby. Amidst the Harper Avery lawsuits, her father set aside a portion of his money for Harriet that couldn't be touched. She has a stuffed bunny named Flopsy she can't sleep without.
Who is Harriet Kepner-Avery on Grey's Anatomy?
- Harriet Kepner-Avery is the daughter of April Kepner and Jackson Avery . On the day of Owen and Amelia's wedding, April went into labor while looking for the ring at Meredith's House.
What happened to Harriet during covid-19?
- During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Harriet became sick. Her mother tested her for COVID and it was negative, so her parents suspected it was RSV and gave her acetaminophen to relieve her symptoms. By the next morning, her fever had broken and she was feeling better. (" Look Up Child ") Her older brother, Samuel, died before she was born.