In che anno l'Albania si è candidata ad entrare nell'Unione Europea?

In che anno l'Albania si è candidata ad entrare nell'Unione Europea?
2014 - Paese candidato all'UE L'Albania ha presentato la sua domanda di adesione all'UE il 24 aprile 2009. Il 16 novembre 2009 il Consiglio ha approvato la domanda presentata dall'Albania e ha invitato la Commissione europea a presentare il suo parere.
What is the history of Albania?
- Antonio Caiazza: The idea of a Greater Albania was born during the Italian occupation [during World War II], when all of the Albanian-speaking areas found themselves gathered within a single contiguous space. Obviously it was administered first by Italy, and then by the Axis powers.
How do I become a citizen of Albania in the US?
- Contact the Embassy of Albania in Washington, D.C. in the United States for customs requirements. The Albanian Government considers any person with at least one Albanian parent to be an Albanian citizen. Dual nationals may be subject to laws that impose special obligations on Albanian citizens.
What are the special circumstances of Albania?
- Special Circumstances: Albania's customs authorities enforce strict regulations concerning temporary import or export of particular items from Albania. The Albanian Government considers any person with at least one Albanian parent to be an Albanian citizen. Albania is a cash economy.
Is Albania a member of the European Union?
- Albania – along with other Western Balkans countries – was identified as a potential candidate for EU membership during the Thessaloniki European Council Search for available translations of the preceding link EN summit in June 2003. In 2009, Albania submitted its formal application for EU membership.