Come fa il T-Rex?

Come fa il T-Rex?
Più lungo di un autobus e pesante come un elefante. Aveva un'inclinazione in avanti, mascelle profonde, denti enormi, una coda lunga e braccia minuscole (note anche come arti anteriori). La sola mascella di T. rex era lunga circa 1,3 metri e aveva da 50 a 60 denti capaci di tritare le ossa, lunghi fino a 10 centimetri.
Qual è il T-Rex più grande del mondo?
Il Tyrannosaurus rex fu uno dei carnivori terrestri più grossi di tutti i tempi; l'esemplare più completo, e ritenuto fino a poco tempo fa, il più grande scoperto (inventariato come FMNH PR2081 e noto col nomignolo di "Sue"), ha uno scheletro che misura 12,3 metri di lunghezza, ed è alto 5,5 metri.
Why did T rex become extinct?
- T. rex went extinct during the K-T mass extinction, about 65 million years ago. This extinction killed the remaining dinosaurs (not just T. rex) and many other animal and plant groups. This extinction was probably caused by a catastrophic asteroid colliding with Earth.
How much did a full grown T Rex weigh?
- On average, a full grown T-Rex weighed between 7-8 tons. However, many weighed less and some even weighed more. The largest, and most complete skeleton of a T-Rex to date has been nicknamed "Sue". Sue is estimated to have weighed about 9 tons (18,000 pounds).
What did the T Rex sound like?
- Based on its phylogenetic relationship with crocodiles and birds, one may assume that T-rex sound like combination of both. Which means, T-rex likely growl similiarly to crocs/gators, but it may be louder (possibly), kinda like a mix between a bear and alligator.
What Kingdom is the T Rex in?
- T-Rex Kingdom is a Jurassic World location in LEGO Dimensions. T. Rex Kingdom, code named Paddock 9, is the enclosure for the Tyrannosaurus rex named Rexy, who was originally created for the failed Jurassic Park , in the Jurassic World park on Isla Nublar . It is one of the park's most popular attractions.