Cosa vuole fare Anonymous?

Cosa vuole fare Anonymous?

Cosa vuole fare Anonymous?

Anonymous è un movimento decentralizzato di hacktivismo che agisce in modo coordinato per perseguire un obiettivo concordato. ... Ampiamente noto per vari attacchi informatici contro varie società, istituzioni governative e la Chiesa di Scientology.

Chi sono cosa vogliono Anonymous?

Anonymous, fenomeno nato sul web nel 2003, identifica utenti o comunità che agiscono sul web in maniera anonima per perseguire un certo obiettivo. La parola Anonymous viene anche utilizzata come firma dei cosiddetti hacktivists che danno vita ad azioni con un certo scopo o a forme di protesta.

What is the group Anonymous?

  • As to what the group is, we take a look at that here. Anonymous first came in existence in 2003 when unknown users who were tagged as Anonymous posted images on 4chan’s /b/ board. The images were about random things but the Anonymous tag soon gained popularity on the website.

What is anonymous and LulzSec?

  • Anonymous is a hacktivist group that has grown enormously since it first came into existence. There are a number of groups that are associated with Anonymous, with LulzSec and Operation AntiSec. These groups have also targeted government agencies, video game companies, media groups, etc. LulzSec was formed after Anonymous attack HBGarry.

What did anonymous do in 2004?

  • In 2004, they started to use the website of Encyclopaedia Dramatica as a platform for their activities. For some years, they did little more than mass pranks and take action against communities that supported anti-piracy acts. In 2008, Anonymous started Project Chanology, a direct campaign against the Church of Scientology.

Where did the term anonymous come from?

  • The name Anonymous itself is inspired by the perceived anonymity under which users post images and comments on the Internet. Usage of the term Anonymous in the sense of a shared identity began on imageboards, particularly the /b/ board of 4chan, dedicated to random content, dedicated to raiding other websites.

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