Che temperatura raggiunge il Polo Nord?

Che temperatura raggiunge il Polo Nord?
Ma qual è la temperatura al polo nord? In media le temperature invernali al polo nord si aggirano tra valori compresi tra i - 10°C e i - 40°C; la più bassa temperatura mai registrata è stata di -68°C.
Quanto dura l'estate al Polo Sud?
Clicca per ingrandire. Il Polo Sud è caratterizzato da situazioni climatiche estreme. Nei mesi dell'estate australe (da ottobre a febbraio) il Sole non scende mai al di sotto dell'orizzonte, mentre nel lungo inverno polare non si vede sorgere per circa 4 mesi.
What is the average surface temperature of Antarctica?
- The continent-wide average surface temperature trend of Antarctica is positive – that is, the temperature is increasing – and significant at more than 0.05 °C (0.09 °F) per decade since 1957.
How cold does it get on the Antarctic Plateau?
- But the coldest sites on the East Antarctic Plateau have actually reached −98 °C (−144.4 °F) making this location 81°48′S 63°30′E / 81.8°S 63.5°E / -81.8; 63.5 the "Coldest Place on Earth". It is also extremely dry (technically a desert), averaging 166 mm (6.5 in) of precipitation per year.
How much has Antarctica thickened or thinned?
- During a recent decade, East Antarctica thickened at an average rate of about 1.8 centimetres (0.71 in) per year while West Antarctica showed an overall thinning of 0.9 centimetres (0.35 in) per year. For the contribution of Antarctica to present and future sea level change, see sea level rise.
How is the weather in Antarctica like a desert?
- Winds shape the surface of ice and snow, in a manner that reminds of sand dunes in the desert. Actually, precipitation in much of Antarctica is desert-like almost everywhere: in the interior, it's lower than 50 millimeters (2 inches) per year, and it exceeds 300 mm (12 in) only near the coasts, with peaks of 600 mm (23.5 in).