Come cambiare la mail su Groupon?

Come cambiare la mail su Groupon?
Accedi al tuo account Groupon sul sito Web o apri l'app con il nostro account già connesso. Scorri fino all'angolo in basso a destra della home page e fai clic sul pulsante "My Stuff" Puoi selezionare "Il mio account" e procedere a modificare tu stesso le informazioni del tuo account.
Come cambiare nome su Groupon?
Se l'utente desidera informarsi su come modificare un nome, può contattarci allo 02 9 o via
Come restituire merce su Groupon?
Come restituire un articolo di Groupon Shopping
- Accedi a Vedi voucher.
- Fai clic su Vedi dettagli accanto al tuo ordine.
- Fai clic su Restituisci ordine e stampa l'etichetta di spedizione prepagata. ...
- Incolla l'etichetta al pacchetto e spediscilo a Groupon.
How do you sign in to Groupon?
- How to Groupon Login Groupon Sign in At the top right corner, there is a sign in. Click on the sign in. Then, enter your email address. Enter your password. Unchecked the box if you are using the public computer. Click the sign in. Now, your account will get logged in. You can also log in to your Facebook account.
What is Groupon local deal?
- Groupon is a marketing service that offers its subscribers daily discount coupons by email, Facebook and Twitter feeds. Typical Groupon deals focus on local restaurants, stores, services, events and regional products.
How do you return a Groupon?
- If you bought directly from Groupon Goods: Go to, or open the Groupon mobile app, and sign in. Go to My Groupons. Select View Details next to the order you want to return. Select Return Package, and print your prepaid mailing label on the next page. Attach the Groupon return label to your order, and then mail it back.
How does Groupon advertise?
- Groupon is a daily deal website where businesses can advertise their discounted products and services to potential customers. The deals usually range from 50-70% off and a multitude of products and services are offered.