What is Greta Thunberg speech about?

What is Greta Thunberg speech about?
Accusing world leaders of stealing her dreams and her childhood by their inaction on climate change, she opened her speech to the General Assembly with an impassioned introduction, which was widely covered by the media.
What is Greta Thunberg's famous quote?
“This is the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced.” - Greta Thunberg, R20 Austrian World Summit, Vienna, May 2019. 3. "We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis.
What is the message of Greta Thunberg speech our house is on fire?
The key word in all her speeches is the same; “crisis”. For Thunberg, it's time to stop treating climate change like it's some far-off concept. Global heating is happening right now, and regardless of your politics or beliefs, calling it anything other than a crisis diminishes the current catastrophe.
Did Greta Thunberg win a Nobel Prize?
Greta Thunberg's fans are upset she didn't win the Nobel Prize, but a peace expert says she should have never been a contender. Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old from Sweden, has become the face of climate-change activism. Thunberg launched the Fridays For Future movement — or School Strike for Climate — last year.
Why is house on fire?
Other common causes of home fires include overuse of appliances, home heating systems, and children playing with fire. Faulty or over-used appliances can easily cause a fire with just a few sparks. Heating systems, especially space heaters and wood stoves, can ignite household items nearby.
What is climate change justice?
Climate justice is a concept that addresses the ethical dimensions of climate change. ... Climate justice examines concepts such as equality, human rights, collective rights, and the historical responsibilities for climate change.