Quante opere ha fatto Kandinsky?

Quante opere ha fatto Kandinsky?
Dopo quella della Lenbachhaus di Monaco, la collezione del Centro Pompidou di Parigi – che, contando in totale più di 100.000 opere, costituisce uno dei principali riferimenti mondiali per l'arte del XX e del XXI secolo – è in assoluto la più ricca di opere di Kandinsky.
Who is Kandinsky?
- Vasily Vasilyevich Kandinsky) (16 December [O.S. 4 December] 1866 – 13 December 1944) was a Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting one of the first recognised purely abstract works.
What kind of paintings did Wassily Kandinsky do?
- Wassily Kandinsky Paintings. Sunday: Old Russia, 1904 by Wassily Kandinsky. The Sluice, 1902 by Wassily Kandinsky. Sunday Impression, 1910 by Wassily Kandinsky. Rapallo, 1905 by Wassily Kandinsky. More or Less, 1930 by Wassily Kandinsky. Murnau Landscape with Church, 1930 by Wassily Kandinsky. Blue Rider, 1909 by Wassily Kandinsky.
What is Kandinsky's legendary stage design for a performance of Mussorgsky?
- Kandinsky's legendary stage design for a performance of Mussorgsky 's " Pictures at an Exhibition " illustrates his synaesthetic concept of a universal correspondence of forms, colors and musical sounds. In 1928 in the theater of Dessau, Wassily Kandinsky realized the stage production of "Pictures at an Exhibition".
What does Kandinsky paint in Composition IV?
- Hidden within the bright swaths of color and the clear black lines of Composition IV, Kandinsky portrayed several Cossacks with lances, as well as boats, reclining figures, and a castle on a hilltop. As with many paintings from this period, he represented the apocalyptic battle that would lead to eternal peace.