Quanto costa un'ora di volo di un caccia?

Quanto costa un'ora di volo di un caccia?
Al momento per quanto riguarda i voli in Italia i costi variano da circa 2.000 € per 20 minuti con L-39, fino ad un massimo di 2850 € per 30 minuti a bordo del Provost.
How much does a single F-35 cost?
- But to find out exactly how much a single F-35 costs, we analyzed the newest and most authoritative data. Here’s how much we’re paying. A single Air Force F-35A costs a whopping $148 million. One Marine Corps F-35B costs an unbelievable $251 million.
What is the F-35 fighter?
- The F-35 fighter will form the backbone of the future U.S. fighter fleet, and Lockheed touts it as the "quarterback" of a joint strike force. It can fly at speeds of Mach 1.6 or roughly 1,200 miles per hour and has a range of 450-600 nautical miles. The F-35 is capable of carrying nuclear weapons as well as conventional weapons.
Which countries are buying F-35s?
- Japan, Israel and South Korea are also buying the jet, while Belgium and Finland are considering purchases. The U.S. and its allies have 3,100 F-35s on order through 2035. More than 355 F-35s have been delivered worldwide.
Does the F-35 share 20 percent of its parts?
- The supposed cost-savings of doing so with the F-35 proved illusory, as the three models only ended up sharing 20 percent of their parts in common. The result was a Franken-plane that posed problems for all parties involved.