Come è morto Gregory Peck?

Come è morto Gregory Peck?
Broncopolmonite Gregory Peck/Causa della morte
Quanti anni aveva Gregory Peck quando è morto?
87 anni () Gregory Peck/Età al momento della morte
Quando è nato Gregory Peck?
5 aprile 1916 Gregory Peck/Data di nascita Attore cinematografico statunitense, nato a La Jolla (California) il 5 aprile 1916 e morto a Los Angeles il 12 giugno 2003. Considerato un vero mito del cinema, è stato una delle star più duttili e longeve del mondo hollywoodiano.
What is the real name of Gregory Peck?
- Gregory Peck real name was Eldred Gregory Peck. He was born on Ap at La Jolla, California, United States.. He was American by natinoanliy. He was Movies (Actor) by profession. He was the son of Gregory Pearl Peck (father) and Bernice Mae Ayres (mother). He was a student at San Diego High School.
Where was Peck born and raised?
- Eldred Gregory Peck was born on Ap in La Jolla, California, to Bernice Mary (Ayres) and Gregory Pearl Peck, a chemist and druggist in San Diego. He had Irish (from his paternal grandmother), English, and some German, ancestry.
Was Gregory Peck taller than Walter Matthau?
- In Mirage, Peck is almost identical in height to 6’2.5” Walter Matthau. In their first scene together in that film, they are practically eye level. Rob, who do you think was taller at peak, Gregory Peck or Walter Matthau?
Where is Gregory Peck's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
- For his contribution to the motion picture industry, Gregory Peck has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6100 Hollywood Boulevard. In November 2005, the star was stolen, and has since been replaced.