Come andare in Oman?

Come andare in Oman?
Dato che i mezzi pubblici son praticamente non pervenuti in Oman, per spostarsi tra una località e l'altra serve necessariamente noleggiare un'auto, meglio se un fuoristrada (soprattutto se si ha intenzione di avventurarsi nel deserto).
Which is the best beach in Oman?
- Oman Beaches: Guide To The Best Beaches In Oman 1 Al Qurm Beach or Shatti Beach. Al Qurm beach or also called the Shatti beach is one of the main tourist attractions in Muscat and one of the most popular ... 2 Yiti Beach. Location: 43km from Muscat. ... 3 Pebble Beach. ... 4 Ras Al Hadd Beach. ... 5 Musandam. ... 6 Mughsail Beach. ...
Where is Al Mughsayl Beach in Oman?
- Al Mughsayl Beach is located in Dhofar, the southern region of Oman. Its golden beach is about 7 km (4.35 miles) long. Beside its crystal waters and glowing sand, the coconut and banana plantations along the coastline makes this a picturesque paradise. Beach at Al Mughsayl, Salalah, Oman | © Byelikova Oksana/Shutterstock
Where is Al Sawadi Beach in Oman?
- Al Sawadi Beach is located in Al Batinah region, in the northern part of Oman, about 70 km (43.5 miles) from Muscat. It is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Oman, and is distinguished by the rocky islands dotted off shore. These islands attract indigenous birds that add to the beach’s natural beauty.
What is the largest island in Oman?
- Masirah Island is one of the most beautiful islands on the eastern coast, and it is the largest island in Oman. It is over 95 km (59 miles) long, and around 13 km (8 miles) wide, making it 649 km square.