Come studiare due lingue su Babbel?

Come studiare due lingue su Babbel?
Clicca sulla bandierina in alto a destra, ti apparirà un menù a tendina che ti darà l'opportunità di cambiare lingua di studio. Tocca Profilo > > Le mie lingue e seleziona la lingua desiderata alla sezione Voglio imparare un'altra lingua. Se non hai ancora scaricato l'app multilingua di Babbel, puoi farlo qui.
What are people saying about Babbel?
- education company in 2016" "Babbel is clean, modern, easy to navigate, "Learning a language can be intimidating, but Babbel has made it so easy for me.". "The whole point of learning a language is to speak with people.
What is the Babbel app?
- The Babbel app combines really cool technology with learning methods that work. Our team of language experts has perfected our program to get you speaking from the start — and to make sure that what you learn sticks with you. Winner Digita 2013 Award Online and Mobile Learning Product
Why choose Babbel to learn a language?
- Whether you need a Spanish learning app or a French learning app, you’ve always wanted to learn Italian, you’re looking to dive into German language learning or improve your English, Babbel is the choice of millions of people looking to enhance their language education. Make learning a habit.
How long does it take to learn Spanish with Babbel?
- BITE-SIZE, INTERACTIVE LESSONS - Easily fit language learning into your busy schedule with lessons that take only 10-15 minutes to complete (some Spanish lessons are even shorter). With Babbel, you’ll be on your way to mastering the ultimate goal of language learning — having real-life conversations with confidence.