Come si usa iTunes dal pc?

Come si usa iTunes dal pc?
Se utilizzi Windows ti basta pigiare sul pulsante Start, digitare itunes nel campo di ricerca e fare clic sul primo risultato della ricerca. Se invece utilizzi OS X accedi al Launcher e poi clicca sull'icona di iTunes.
What is the latest version of iTunes for Windows 10?
- Run iTunes. Click the Help menu and then click Check for updates option to check if there is an update for iTunes. ... Here, make sure that iTunes is selected and then click the Install items button to download and install the latest version of iTunes.
How to connect to iTunes?
- Open iTunes and connect your device to your computer with a USB cable.
- Click the device icon in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window. Learn what to do if you don't see the icon .
- From the list under Settings on the left side of the iTunes window,click the type of content that you want to sync or remove.*To turn syncing ...
- Select the checkbox next to each item that you want to sync.
- Click the Apply button in the lower-right corner of the window. If syncing doesn't start automatically,click the Sync button.
How do you set up iTunes?
- Click "iTunes Store" on the source pane, under "Store.". This connects you to the Internet and takes you to the iTunes Store welcome page on the main pane. Click "Sign In" on the extreme right of the main pane's tab bar. Then select "Create New Account" on the pop-up window. This brings you to a welcome message.
Can't find iTunes on my PC?
- Open the Apple Music app.
- In the menu bar,choose Music> Preferences.
- Go to the General tab and select iTunes Store.
- Click OK.