Who is Jon Snow's wife?

Who is Jon Snow's wife?
Precious LungaJon Snow / Moglie (s. 2010) Who is his wife Precious Lunga? In 2010, Snow married his now wife, Precious Lunga, Zimbabwean epidemiologist, born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia, on 4 October 1974. Speaking to the New Statesman in 2011, Lunga said: “I grew up [in Zimbabwe] until I was 17, then I came to the UK to do my studies and I stayed.5 giorni fa
Who is Jon Snow's lover?
Ygritte The Legacy of Ygritte Ygritte was a woman of the Free Folk who lived north of the Wall. She was a member of Mance Rayder's army and Jon Snow's lover.
Is Jon Snow half Stark?
Jon Snow is the bastard son of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. He has five half-siblings: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark. Unaware of the identity of his mother, Jon was raised at Winterfell.
Does Jon Snow become king?
Freed from his Night's Watch vows, Jon and his half-sister Sansa Stark retake Winterfell from House Bolton, restoring House Stark's dominion over the North. Jon is declared King in the North. Jon negotiates with Daenerys Targaryen for an alliance against the White Walkers in the imminent Great War.
Has Jon Snow been married before?
Precious LungaJon Snow / Spouse (m. 2010)
Why is Ghost missing an ear?
Having fought just as hard as any of the Unsullied or Dothraki on the night of the Battle of Winterfell, Ghost sustains heavy scratches on the right side of his face and appears to have lost most of his right ear. Poor puppy!
Who married Sansa?
Ramsay Bolton Tyrion Lannister Sansa Stark/Spouse Season 5. Baelish brokers a marriage between Sansa and Ramsay Bolton, now the heir to the North after the death of Robb Stark.
Is Jon Snow a dragon?
Beyond the obvious truth that Jon is actually a Targaryen and therefore worthy of riding a dragon, he may also have a much deeper connection to his new mount in this sequence. It might even explain why the dragon almost looked like it was smiling.
Who is the real father and mother of Jon Snow?
Eddard Stark Lyanna StarkCatelyn StarkRhaegar TargaryenElia Martell Jon Snow/Parents
Does Jon Snow marry Sansa?
however we are in the final season of GoT and Jon and Sansa still hasn't happened yet, so the chances are slim. Sansa marrying Jon has been a theory for some time, way before season 6 and 7 even. Here are some points supporting the theory: Early drafts of the books had a love triangle involving Jon, Tyrion and Arya.