In che cimitero è sepolto Michael Jackson?
- In che cimitero è sepolto Michael Jackson?
- Chi ce dietro Michael Jackson?
- Dove si trova la casa di Freddie Mercury a Londra?
- Is Michael Jackson's body really buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery?
- What happened to Michael Jackson's casket?
- Where is Michael Jackson's final resting place?
- Is Michael Jackson's crypt empty?

In che cimitero è sepolto Michael Jackson?
Forest Lawn Memorial Park di Glendale Michael Jackson � stato sepolto nella notte di Los Angeles, 70 giorni dopo la morte, sotto una vetrata dell'Ultima Cena di Leonardo nel Gran Mausoleo Holly Terrace del cimitero Forest Lawn Memorial Park di Glendale.
Chi ce dietro Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson era interpretato da Alexia e Lola Ponce -invece- vestiva i panni di Mina (seconda classificata). A vincere è stata Syria nei panni di Loredana Berté.
Dove si trova la casa di Freddie Mercury a Londra?
La casa di Londra in cui ha vissuto per molti Freddie Mercury, si trova in Logan Place 1 nel quartiere signorile di Kensington.
Is Michael Jackson's body really buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery?
- Shockingly, Michael’s corpse was kept on ice for months — before the Jackson matriarch settled a family feud and had her beloved son’s remains cremated to thwart ghoulish efforts to rob his grave! “Everyone thinks Michael is buried at Forest Lawn, but he’s not,” an insider spilled to The ENQUIRER.
What happened to Michael Jackson's casket?
- On Sept. 3, 2009, the family held a private burial service at Forest Lawn in Glendale, Calif., and Michael’s EMPTY casket was entombed in a structure known as the Great Mausoleum. “Michael was used to putting on a show, so the family wanted the monument at Forest Lawn because so many Hollywood legends have been buried there,” confided the source.
Where is Michael Jackson's final resting place?
- "The Gloved One’s" true final resting place actually is beneath a beautiful pear tree, known as the Giving Tree, on his California ranch! “Michael’s ashes were scattered at his beloved Neverland, which was very special to him,” revealed the source.
Is Michael Jackson's crypt empty?
- Michael Jackson’s mother, Katherine, has broken her silence to reveal the "King of Pop’s" crypt at Forest Lawn cemetery is EMPTY! In a worldwide exclusive, The National ENQUIRER can reveal the "Thriller" sensation’s body was NOT in the coffin at his star-studded J, burial service held a dozen days after he was killed by a drug overdose!