Quali sono le caratteristiche della city di Londra?

Quali sono le caratteristiche della city di Londra?
Sede di istituti bancari (per lo più concentrati nella Lombard Street) importanti società finanziarie e assicurative, uffici commerciali di livello internazionale, la City di Londra, muove le trame dell'economia globale. L'architettura è imponente e come spesso affermato, moderna.
Come si chiama il centro della città di Londra?
Il termine Central London (Londra Centrale in italiano) si riferisce a quella parte di Londra che è vicina al nucleo centrale della città.
What is the City of London known for?
- The City of London, also known as the City, or the Square Mile, is the area of London that originally lay within the ancient city walls. This independent part of Central London is known for its history and heritage, so is a must for anyone wishing to explore and understand London. Photo: Tristan Surtel, CC BY-SA 4.0.
What is the difference between London and the city?
- The City is now only a tiny part of the metropolis of London, though it remains a notable part of central London.
When did London become the largest city in the world?
- London was the world's largest city from c.18. London's overcrowded conditions led to cholera epidemics, claiming 14,000 lives in 1848, and 6,0.
Is London the 4th most populated city in Europe?
- Greater London Built-up Area is the fourth-most populous in Europe, after Istanbul, Moscow, and Paris, with 9,787,426 inhabitants at the 2011 census. The London metropolitan area is the third-most populous in Europe, after Istanbul and the Moscow Metropolitan Area, with 14,040,163 inhabitants in 2016.