Quanto si può vivere con pacemaker?

Quanto si può vivere con pacemaker?
In linea di massima, la durata di un pacemaker può variare da un minimo di 5 a un massimo 10-12 anni. In caso di scarica bisogna ricorrere alla sostituzione chirurgica del solo generatore, senza alcun tipo di intervento sui cateteri.
Come si regola il pacemaker?
I pacemaker vengono regolati dall'esterno con uno speciale apparecchio programmatore, che viene applicato sulla pelle sopra il pacemaker stesso. Questo apparecchio comunica col dispositivo elettronico del pacemaker mediante onde elettromagnetiche.
What is the life expectancy of a person with a pacemaker?
- The average life expectancy og pacemaker is about 10 years. Pacemaker can last for 15 years or longer depending on frequency of use and few other factors that may cause unnecessary discharge of electric power.
Does a having a pacemaker damage the heart?
- The heart is a muscle. After the leads are put in, it heals just like any other injured muscle. The signal the pacer puts out is very minimal, mimicking what our heart should have been doing on its own so it does not damage the heart.
Who makes the best pacemakers?
- Medtronic is the larger company so they will have more reps, esp if you are in a remote area. Boston has had the most recalls, but not recently. Ask your dr what his recommendation is since he'll be the one programming your device. I find it odd when drs leave it up to us.