Chi controlla Inter?

Chi controlla Inter?
Suning Holdings Group Co., Ltd. È partecipe in, una delle più importanti società cinesi, che opera nel settore della vendita al dettaglio. Nel giugno 2016 ha acquistato il 68,55% dell'Inter, diventando così l'azionista di maggioranza del club calcistico milanese.
Cos'è Evergrande?
L'Evergrande Group (già Hengda Group) è per vendite la seconda azienda di sviluppo immobiliare in Cina. Ha la sede nella provincia meridionale del Guangdong e vende appartamenti per lo più ai ceti medio-alti. La holding del gruppo è registrata alle Cayman.
Quanti soldi ha speso l'Inter?
5) HOFFENHEIM: +87 milioni. 6) ST ETIENNE: +78 milioni.
Is Suning Holdings Group a private company?
- Founded in 1990, Suning Holdings Group is one of the leading commercial enterprises in China, with two public companies in China and Japan. In 2017, the company was ranked second in the top 500 privately-owned enterprises in China, with annual revenue of 81.3 billion USD (557.9 billion RMB).
What is Suning culture investment management company?
- Suning Culture Investment Management Co., Ltd. ( Chinese: 苏宁文化投资管理有限公司) was another investment vehicle of the group. As of 2015, it was 90% owned by Suning Holdings Group and 10% owned by Chen Yan.
Does Suning own any equity in Suning?
- Suning Holdings, as of 2016, owned an equity stake of 3.33% in, formerly known as Suning Commerce Group ( Chinese: 苏宁云商集团) and Suning Appliance ( Chinese: 苏宁电器股份 ).
Who is the owner of Suning Jinkong?
- Suning Jinkong. Suning Jinkong (Chinese: 苏宁金控投资有限公司; literally: 'Suning Financial Holding and Investment Co., Ltd.') is an investment vehicle of the group in financial sector. As of 31 December 2016, it was 80% owned by Suning Holdings and 20% owned by Chen Yan.