Come si leggono i libri di Asimov?

Come si leggono i libri di Asimov?
In che ordine si leggono i romanzi di Asimov?
- Ciclo dei Robot:
- Abissi d'acciaio = The Caves of Steel (1954)
- Il Sole Nudo = The Naked Sun (1957)
- I Robot dell'Alba = The Robots of Dawn (1983)
- I Robot e l'Impero = Robots and Empire (1985)
- Ciclo dell'Impero:
- Paria dei cieli = Pebble in the Sky (1950)
Come leggere il ciclo dell'impero?
Il tiranno dei mondi1951 Le correnti dello spazio1952Paria dei cieli1950 Ciclo dell'Impero/Libri
Who is Isaac Asimov?
- Born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov in Russia in about 1920, Isaac Asimov is well known for his science fiction and popular science books. He also wrote mysteries, fantasy, and works on Shakespeare, mathematics, and the Bible.
How did Asimov die?
- Asimov died from complications brought about by AIDS, which he had contracted during a blood transfusion in 1983.
What is the first edition of Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia?
- 61 Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1st Ed. (Doubleday 1964) Why Do We Have Different Seasons? (Gareth Stevens, Inc 1991)