Dov'è ora il Voyager?

Dov'è ora il Voyager?
Dopo aver raggiunto lo spazio interstellare nel 2013 e dopo l'attivazione dei propulsori nel 2018 che hanno permesso di estendere la missione, al 5 dicembre 2021 si trova ad una distanza di 154,815 UA (equivalenti a 21,46 ore luce o 23,160 miliardi di km) dal Sole.
Dove si trovano i rover su Marte?
Oggetto artificiale | Nazionalità | Posizione e coordinate marziane |
Curiosity (MSL) rover | Stati Uniti | Aeolis Palus nel Cratere Gale, 4°36′00″S 137°12′00″E |
Schiaparelli EDM Lander | Unione europea Russia | Meridiani Planum |
InSight lander | Stati Uniti | Elysium Planitia |
Perseverance rover | Stati Uniti | Jezero crater |
Did Voyager 1 ever return to Earth?
- The spacecraft travels toward infinity, and will never return to Earth, but it is still sending information. Launched 44 years ago, Voyager 1 is one of two sibling NASA spacecraft. The craft has long since zipped past the edge of the solar system through the heliopause-the solar system's border with interstellar space-into the interstellar medium.
How far is Voyager 1 from the Sun?
- It’s estimated Voyager 1 is currently about 10 billion miles away from the Sun. That’s about .00183 light years. It’s not traveling directly toward any star and will continue traveling at away from Earth forever until it runs into something.
What was the mission of Voyager 1?
- The primary mission of Voyager 1 was to explore Jupiter, Saturn, and Saturn's moon, Titan. Voyager 2 was also to explore Jupiter and Saturn, but on a trajectory that would have option of continuing on to Uranus and Neptune , or being redirected to Titan as a backup for Voyager 1.
What was the purpose of Voyager 1?
- Voyager 1 is a space probe launched by NASA in 1977 as a part of voyager program whose main objective was to study the outer solar system. Primary mission of Voyager 1 was to study Jupiter, Saturn, Titan and other moons of these 2 planets.