Come vedere l'Italia su RaiPlay?
Come vedere l'Italia su RaiPlay?
Come vedere Rai Play Per vedere RaiPlay basta accedere sia dal proprio computer accedendo al sito, sia scaricando l'app su smartphone, tablet (sia da AppStore che da PlayStore di Google) e, per i possessori di smart Tv, direttamente dal proprio televisore.
What is RaiPlay and how does it work?
- RaiPlay is the online platform associated with Rai, the Italian national public broadcasting company, which is owned by the government. Rai is one of the top televisions in Italy when it comes to audiences, and it’s composed of multiple stations.
How do I sign up for RaiPlay?
- Select ‘Crea un Account Rai’ and fill out the required information (your first name, last name, email, password, date of birth, and gender). Once you’re done registering, it’s time to start streaming RaiPlay – without any limitations. Feel free to take a good look at its website, and we’re sure you’ll find plenty of interesting stuff to watch.
How do I connect my Smart TV to RaiPlay?
- On the TV screen, a numeric code will appear. Log in to the RaiPlay app installed on your smartphone or tablet and then enter this code in the "Associate TV" section: you will access RaiPlay on your smart TV and you will be able to start viewing the on demand content.
What kind of content does Teche Rai offer?
- Films, dramas, TV series, cultural, entertainment, in-depth programs, for children, documentaries, sports, opera, theater, music and selections from Teche Rai but also original formats designed for a younger audience.