Che lavoro fa Matteo Salvini?

Che lavoro fa Matteo Salvini?
Politico GiornalistaAutore Matteo Salvini/Professioni
Where did Salvini study in college?
- Salvini studied at the Classical Lyceum " Alessandro Manzoni " in Milan and later attended the University of Milan where he first studied political science and then moved to history; however, he interrupted his studies in order to start his political career and never graduated.
What is Matteo Salvini's policy on immigration?
- On , Matteo Salvini was sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior. He immediately stated that his main aim was to drastically reduce the number of illegal immigrants to Italy.
What did Giuseppe Salvini do?
- In 1990 Salvini became a member of the Lega Nord, the regionalist and separatist movement founded by Umberto Bossi in 1989. He was an active member of Young Padanians Movement, LN's youth faction, of which he became city coordinator for Milan in 1992 and city secretary in 1997.
Who is Matteo Salvini's wife?
- In 2001 Matteo Salvini married Fabrizia Ieluzzi, a journalist who worked for a private radio station, by whom he had one child Federico in 2003. After his divorce he had a daughter, Mirta, by his domestic partner Giulia Martinelli in 2012. He later became engaged to Elisa Isoardi, a popular TV host.