Quando è nata Maria Elisabetta Casellati?

Quando è nata Maria Elisabetta Casellati?
12 agosto 1946 (età 75 anni) Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati/Data di nascita
Cosa fanno la Camera e il Senato?
Alle due Camere spettano la funzione legislativa, di revisione costituzionale, di indirizzo, di controllo e di informazione nonché altre funzioni normalmente esercitate da altri poteri: ovvero la funzione giurisdizionale e la funzione amministrativa.
Who is Maria Elisabetta Casellati?
- Maria Elisabetta Casellati, née Alberti (born 12 August 1946) is an Italian politician and the current President of the Italian Senate.
When was Maria Casellati elected to the Senate?
- In March 1994, she was elected to the Italian Senate in the general election, for the single-member constituency of Cittadella, near Padua. During the 12th Legislature, Casellati served as a secretary of F.I.'s parliamentary group in the Senate and also as a president of the Health Commission.
Who is Giuseppe Casellati?
- She is the first Italian woman to have ever held this position. Casellati is a long-time member of the liberal-conservative party, Forza Italia, and served as an undersecretary of Health and Justice in previous governments.
What is Giuseppe Casellati's stance on same-sex marriage?
- Casellati strongly opposed the Cirinnà law, promoted by the centre-left government of Matteo Renzi, which recognized same-sex unions in Italy, stating that "family is not an extensible concept and the State cannot equate marriage and civil unions."