Cosa cambia per i clienti di UBI Banca?

Cosa cambia per i clienti di UBI Banca?
Addio a UBI Banca: da lunedì 12 aprile il sistema delle banche italiane cambia faccia. Proprio oggi si è realizzata infatti la fusione societaria di UBI Banca in Intesa Sanpaolo. Nelle vecchie filiali UBI anche le insegne sono cambiate e sono diventate BPER Banca.
Quali filiali Intesa passeranno a Bper?
Bper elenco filiali Ubi e Intesa Sanpaolo Venerdì scorso infatti si è aperta la trattativa con i sindacati per la cessione delle filiali Ubi e Intesa Sanpaolo a Bper, che le acquisirà con i proventi dell'aumento di capitale da oltre 800 milioni recentemente andato in porto con successo.
How do I appeal a ban from Ubisoft?
- You can request an appeal by contacting Ubisoft Support; Support will notify you of the result of the appeal after it has been reviewed. Are you going to permanently ban every cheater you detect? There are some cases where we will not permanently ban a player on their first offense, and they will receive a temporary ban. What is a Temporary Ban?
How to prevent phishing in Union Bank of India online banking?
- Access your bank website only by typing the URL in address bar of browser. Always check the last log-in date and time in the post login page. Immediately change your passwords if you have accidentally revealed your credentials. Please report immediately on phishing [at]unionbankofindia [dot]com if you receive any such email/SMS or Phone call.
What is the best resolution for the Union Bank of India website?
- Know your User ID "Site best viewed at 1024x768 resolution in I.E. 9 or above, Google Chrome 40 or above, Firefox 37 or above, Safari 8 or above." Copyright © Union Bank of India - eBanking, All rights reserved
How to login to Union Bank of India internet banking?
- Union Bank of India - Internet Banking Login All-India Toll Free number 1800 Internet Banking LOGIN All Your Banking From a Single Secure Login The function for Remember User Id may not function if your cookies are disabled Security Tip