Qual è il vulcano che ha eruttato più volte?

Qual è il vulcano che ha eruttato più volte?
Merapi, Indonesia Merapi significa montagna di fuoco ed è, non a caso, tra tutti i vulcani, quello che produce più lava al mondo. Erutta costantemente dal 1548 ed è attivo da 10.000 anni. Gli esperti credono che questa attività abbia portato alla scomparsa del regno Hindu di Mataram.
What is the origin of the Yellowstone Caldera?
- Yellowstone Caldera, enormous crater in the western-central portion of Yellowstone National Park, northwestern Wyoming, that was formed by a cataclysmic volcanic eruption some 640,000 years ago. It measures approximately 30 by 45 miles (50 by 70 km), covering a large area of the park.
How many calderas are in Yellowstone National Park?
- Yellowstone National Park consists of three enormous calderas that erupted about 2, 1.2, and 0.6 million years ago. The most recent caldera is 45 km across and 75 km long!
How many resurgent domes occupy the Yellowstone Caldera?
- Since the last of three caldera-forming eruptions, pressure from the shallow magma body has formed two resurgent domes inside the Yellowstone Caldera.
Is Yellowstone Caldera waking up?
- The Yellowstone supervolcano could wake up more quickly than we thought. There would be large-scale movements of magma below the surface, for example, a process many scientists have expected to unfold over thousands of years. Recent research has suggested supervolcanoes aren't always so sluggish, however, with ancient eruptions at some calderas possibly occurring as quickly as 500 years after the earliest signs.