Cosa serve per andare alle Bahamas?
Cosa serve per andare alle Bahamas?
Per entrare alle Bahamas, i cittadini dell'America Latina sono tenuti a presentare un passaporto valido che deve coprire il periodo di soggiorno previsto. Non è necessario disporre di visto per le Bahamas se il soggiorno è inferiore a 3 mesi.
Quando riaprono le Bahamas?
Le Bahamas si accingono a compiere un ulteriore passo avanti lungo la strada della ripartenza del turismo: dal prossimo 15 ottobre, decollerà infatti la Fase 3, con la riapertura delle spiagge e dei principali hotel, come ha dichiarato il ministro del turismo e dell'aviazione dell'arcipelago, Dionisio D'Aguilar.
How long does it take to get a Bahamian Travel Health visa?
- Bahamas Travel Health Visa applications take up to 48 hours to process and should be completed with adequate lead time. The cost of the Bahamas Travel Health Visa is dependent on length of stay and vaccination status. All travellers eighteen (18) years of age and older are required to complete an individual Bahamas Travel Health Visa.
Are there any restrictions on travel to the Bahamas?
- The Bahamas requires compliance with regulations to divert child abduction similar to U.S. policies. Review those policies before traveling. HIV/AIDS restrictions: The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of The Bahamas.
Do you need a visa to go to the Bahamas?
- U.S. travelers coming for tourism will not need a visa for travel up to 90 days. All other travelers will need a visa and/or work permit. The Bahamas requires compliance with regulations to divert child abduction similar to U.S. policies.
What documents do I need to go to the Bahamas?
- Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements. Generally, all U.S. citizens are required to present a valid U.S. passport when traveling to The Bahamas, as well as proof of anticipated departure from The Bahamas. Those traveling to The Bahamas on a cruise may use another Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) compliant document.