Cos'è lo stile Liberty?

Cos'è lo stile Liberty?
L'Art Nouveau, noto in Italia anche come stile floreale, stile Liberty o arte nuova, fu un movimento artistico e filosofico che si sviluppò tra la fine dell'800 e il primo decennio del 1900 e che influenzò le arti figurative, l'architettura e le arti applicate.
Come nasce il Liberty?
Esso fu iniziato in Inghilterra per opera d'un negoziante di drapperie chiamato Liberty e si attenne particolarmente alla linea retta terminante in una curva aggraziata ed elegante; ma presto degenerò nell'arte della scuola secessionista che si basò sul principio imperante della linea contorta.»
What is Art Nouveau in architecture?
- In architecture, art nouveau is more of an architectural detail than it is a style. In the history of graphic design, the movement ushered in a new modernism. During the late 1800s, many European artists, graphic designers, and architects rebelled against formal, classical approaches to design.
Where can I See Art Nouveau architecture in Latvia?
- Riga, Latvia. Riga is the place to go for Art Nouveau lovers, as it's estimated that one-third of the city's buildings were constructed in this style. Built in 1909, the Cat House takes its name from two cat sculptures that grace the roof.
Which event marked the high point of Art Nouveau?
- The Paris 1900 Exposition universelle marked the high point of Art Nouveau. Between April and November 1900, it attracted nearly fifty million visitors from around the world, and showcased the architecture, design, glassware, furniture and decorative objects of the style.
Is the Spangen Palace Art Nouveau or neoclassical?
- The art nouveau in architecture part was the front for the old England store and the neoclassical part in the back,spangen palace is now a part of the museum. The combination of both these contrasting buildings looks like a neoclassical building with an elaborately decorated art nouveau facade.