Come funziona la tramvia a Firenze?

Come funziona la tramvia a Firenze?

Come funziona la tramvia a Firenze?

La tramvia di Firenze è in servizio con orario continuato dalle 5 del mattino fino alle 00.30 di notte, anche nel periodo dell'emergenza Covid. La tramvia funziona tutti i giorni, dal lunedì alla domenica, compresi i festivi, con gli stessi orari e, in media, garantisce una corsa ogni 4-5 minuti.

Dove si prende la tramvia per Careggi?

(Santa Maria Novella): prendere la tramvia T1 (direzione Careggi-ospedale). Dalla stazione di Firenze Rifredi: prendere il bus Autolinee Toscane 33, 40, 43, 56. Per informazioni sugli orari dei treni consultare direttamente il sito delle Ferrovie dello Stato.

Is there a tram in Florence Italy?

  • Trams in Florence. The Florence tramway network (Italian: Rete tranviaria di Firenze) is an important part of the public transport network of Florence, Italy. It consists of two operational light rail lines.

How many light rail lines are there in Florence?

  • It consists of two operational light rail lines. Florence, like many other Italian cities, closed down its old tramway network at the end of the 1950s, but has come back to trams in recent years to find a solution to the rising car traffic in the city.

What is Line 4 of the city tramway?

  • Line 4 is the long-term plan which will complete the city tramway. The line will have a terminus at Santa Maria Novella railway station and will serve the western part of the city. There were some people who opposed the new tramway lines 2 and 3. A city referendum was held on 17 February 2008.

When was the first metro line opened in Florence?

  • The first line in the present network was opened in 2010 to link the city center with the neighboring comune of Scandicci; the second line opened on Febru, linking the city center with Florence Airport .

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