Che cosa significa la frase Stay hungry stay foolish?

Che cosa significa la frase Stay hungry stay foolish?
Considerato il suo testamento, il discorso si chiude con la celebre frase “Stay hungry. Stay foolish”, un invito agli studenti a restare “affamati e folli”. Ovvero, non perdere mai la curiosità e l'ambizione di cambiare il mondo con un pizzico di follia.
Chi ha detto la frase Stay hungry stay foolish?
La frase "Stay hungry. Stay foolish" è una citazione da una rivista, The Whole Earth Catalog, pubblicata tra il 19. Jobs la definisce, sempre nel discorso di Stanford, "il Google in forma cartacea, 35 anni prima che Google nascesse. Zeppo di idealismo, di strumenti utili e grandi idee".
What does it mean to stay hungry in life?
- Stay hungry- meaning to never be satisfied with the status-quo. Stay Foolish- meaning to never accept that you cannot learn something from everything and everyone.
Are You Always a little bit hungry and Completely Foolish?
- You’re always a little bit hungry and you know you are being completely foolish.” I guess my interpretation wasn’t far off, but one can learn an important lesson here. Every word or phrase is open to interpretation on your skill, knowledge, situation, and an array of other variables.
What does 'foolish' mean?
- What I interpreted was to be foolish. Though it may sound silly, a quick read through history and inventions show that most of the big names and discoveries were made by ‘foolish’ people. Foolish referring to those who had dared to think a little different; think beyond what was being taught in schools and society.