Cosa significa la striscia rossa sui pantaloni dei carabinieri?
- Cosa significa la striscia rossa sui pantaloni dei carabinieri?
- Quali sono le uniformi dei carabinieri?
- Why is it called the Carabinieri?
- What was the Carabinieri Command for Liberated Italy?
- What is the difference between the Polizia di Stato and Carabinieri?
- What is the difference between the Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri?

Cosa significa la striscia rossa sui pantaloni dei carabinieri?
Da qui, (si dice), la banda rossa rappresenta il sangue versato in quell'occasione: sangue che non versarono gli ufficiali.
Quali sono le uniformi dei carabinieri?
L'uniforme operativa (o da ordine pubblico) è di colore blu: si compone di basco, giubba e pantaloni, fazzoletto da collo blu con profilatura rossa, guanti in pelle nera, stivaletti anfibi neri operativi.
Why is it called the Carabinieri?
- The Carabinieri are often referred to as "La Benemerita" (The Reputable or The Meritorious) as they are a trusted and prestigious law enforcement institution in Italy. The first official account of the use of this term to refer to the Carabinieri dates back to J.
What was the Carabinieri Command for Liberated Italy?
- In southern Italy the Carabinieri Command for Liberated Italy was founded in Bari, mobilizing new units for the Italian war of liberation. These units were attached to the Italian Liberation Corps and the six Italian Combat Groups of the Italian Co-Belligerent Army, fighting with the Allied forces.
What is the difference between the Polizia di Stato and Carabinieri?
- Unlike the Polizia di Stato, the Carabinieri have responsibility for policing the military, and a number of members regularly participate in military missions abroad. They were originally founded as the police force of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the forerunner of the Kingdom of Italy.
What is the difference between the Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri?
- As with the Guardia di Finanza but in contrast to the Polizia di Stato, the Carabinieri are a military force. As the fourth branch of the Italian Armed Forces, they come under the authority of the Ministry of Defence; for activities related to inland public order and security, they functionally depend on the Ministry of the Interior.