Qual è il nome di Patty Pravo?

Qual è il nome di Patty Pravo?
Il suo vero nome è Nicoletta Strambelli ma è conosciuta come Patty Pravo. È nata il 9 Aprile 1948 a Venezia e di conseguenza ha 73 anni. Il padre si chiamava Aldo ed era un motoscafista, mentre la madre si chiamava Bruna Caporin ed era una casalinga.
Come vive Patty Pravo?
Patty Pravo vive a Roma, in pieno centro città, precisamente nella zona in cui si trova il maestoso edificio Altare della Patria. L'arredamento della sua abitazione trasuda minimalismo e personalità: sono presenti anche degli oggetti etnici per rendere gli ambienti ancora più personali.
Perché si chiama Patty Pravo?
La scelta del cognome d'arte Pravo, viene fatta dalla cantante in riferimento al prologo dell'Inferno dantesco ("guai a voi anime prave", cioè malvagie).
What was Patty Pravo's 2004 album Nic Uni?
- Her 2004 album, Nic-Unic, was a collaboration with young songwriters and presented an innovative, avant garde sound, with most songs co-written by Patty Pravo herself. The single "Che uomo sei" ("What Kind of Man Are You") was a chart success.
What was Pravo's first hit song?
- In 1968, Pravo released what would become one of her most popular singles and a number 1 hit, " La bambola " ("The Doll"), as well as her self-titled debut album. The LP topped the Italian albums chart and "La bambola" was awarded a gold disc.
Why did Pravo refuse to sing Donna con te?
- In 1990, Pravo was due to perform the song " Donna con te " ("A Woman with You") at Sanremo, but shortly before the event, she refused to sing it over its lyrics. The song was then given to Anna Oxa to perform at the festival. In the same year, she released an album of re-recordings of her classic hits.
How many albums has Pravo won in Italy?
- She scored fourteen top 10 albums (including three number ones) and fourteen top 10 singles (including two number ones) in her native Italy. Pravo participated at the Sanremo Music Festival ten times, most recently in 2019, and has won three critics' awards "Mia Martini' at the festival.