Quanto costa un biglietto dell'opera?

Quanto costa un biglietto dell'opera?
Prezzi Opera/Balletto
La Gioconda | 210€ | 165€ |
Rigoletto | 250€ | 210€ |
Il matrimonio segreto | 150€ | 115€ |
Fedora | 210€ | 165€ |
The Tempest | 180€ | 140€ |
Quanto costa biglietto Scala?
I prezzi per assistere alla prima alla Scala di Milano il 7 dicembre oscillano tra i 2500 euro per un posto in platea e i 50-350 euro per i più abbordabili posti in galleria. Per il palco il costo va dai 5 euro.
Where is the Teatro dell'Opera?
- Facade of the Teatro dell'Opera. The Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (Rome Opera House) is an opera house in Rome, Italy.
What is the name of the Opera House in Rome?
- The Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (Rome Opera House) is an opera house in Rome, Italy. Originally opened in November 1880 as the 2,212 seat Costanzi Theatre, it has undergone several changes of name as well modifications and improvements. The present house seats 1,600.
What is the history of the Teatro Reale in Rome?
- When the theater was bought by Rome City Council becoming of public domain, his name was changed in “Teatro Reale dell'Opera” and was partially renovated by architect Marcello Piacentini. It was closed from 15 November 1926 and inaugurated again on 27 of Febrary 1928 with the opera “Nerone” by Arrigo Boito conducted by Gino Marinuzzi.
What is the history of Rome's Teatro Costanzi?
- The “Teatro dell'Opera di Roma” was named Teatro Costanzi from its construction in 1879 to the purchase by the Governorship of Rome in 1926, taking the name after Domenico Costanzi (), the contractor who build it and who entrusted the realization to the Milanese architect Achille Sfondrini ().