Quanti sono gli atolli delle Maldive?

Quanti sono gli atolli delle Maldive?
Questo è quello che succede alle Isole Maldive, uno degli arcipelaghi tropicali più belli, tra i luoghi più straordinari del pianeta, dove 1200 isole formano 26 atolli da sogno.
Dove andare alle Maldive a Dicembre?
Dove andare alle Maldive a dicembre?
- Dhidhdhoo e gli atolli situati a nord a dicembre. Gli atolli settentrionali godono di un clima molto favorevole alle Maldive a dicembre. ...
- Gan e gli atolli situati a sud a dicembre. ...
- Malé e gli atolli situati al centro a dicembre.
What are the atolls of the Maldives?
- The atolls of the Maldives form a quite regular chain and, especially in the northern and central atolls, an arrayed structure is apparent. There are broad and deep channels in between some atolls.The origin of the word atoll itself is in the language of the Maldives
What is another name for Miladhunmadulu Atoll?
- Miladhunmadulu Uthuruburi Atoll (Northern Miladhunmadulu Atoll), also known by the abbreviated name Shaviyani Atoll, [1] is an Administrative division of the ... Southern Miladhunmadulu Atoll or Noonu is an administrative division of the Maldives corresponding to the southern section of Miladhunmadulu Atoll.
What does vavaavu Atoll mean?
- Vaavu Atoll is an administrative division of the Maldives comprising the natural atolls of Felidhu Atoll and the Vattaru Reef. It is the smallest administrat ...
What are the people of Maldives called?
- The people of Maldives are called Maldivians and their language is known as "Dhivehi". The Capital of Maldives is Malé. The Maldives consists of atolls, coral reefs and low-lying coral islands. There are 22 geographical atolls comprising of about 1200 islands which are divided into 20 administrative units. Not all islands are inhabited.