Cosa succede se cancello un biglietto Italo?

Cosa succede se cancello un biglietto Italo?
In caso di rinuncia al viaggio, hai diritto al rimborso dell'80% del costo del biglietto. Se hai acquistato un biglietto Economy, puoi modificare gratuitamente il nominativo, ma pagherai un'integrazione del 20% per modificare ora e data della partenza. Hai diritto ad un rimborso del 60% in caso di rinuncia al viaggio.
What is Italo Treno app?
- Italo Treno is the official Italo app. Discover the new version with its simplified, faster purchase function, as well as all sorts of new features. You’ll find all your journeys and your Carnet in your personal area. Insert your preferred payment method and your transactions can be completed in a blink.
What is Italo go?
- Italo Go: book your train ticket in Italy and complete your journey with Italo partners. Book your next stay on many benefits are just waiting for you. Up to 20% off and points with Hertz! Rent at train station or worldwide with discount and 3 Italo Più points per Euro spent.
Where does Italotreno fly to?
- Italotreno flies to many destinations worldwide, and Alternative Airlines offers a cost effective and safe service to all its passengers. Let Alternative Airlines help find you alternatives for cheap Italotreno tickets.
Do I need a green pass to travel on Italo trains?
- In compliance with the provisions of Law Decree no. 111 of 6 August 2021 to counter the epidemiological emergency from Covid 19, we inform you that for journeys to be made on Italo trains starting from 1 September 2021 until 31 December 2021 it is mandatory to be in possession of the green certification ("Green Pass") .