Dove si trova il terminal bus di Pescara?

Dove si trova il terminal bus di Pescara?

Dove si trova il terminal bus di Pescara?

Il terminal bus di Pescara si trova nel piazzale antistante la stazione ferroviaria a pochissimi passi del centro città.

Come arrivare da Pescara Centrale all'aeroporto?

Da Pescara Centro all'aeroporto in Autobus: linea urbana 38 della Gestione Trasporti Metropolitani (GTM), passaggio dalla stazione ferroviaria di Pescara Centrale ogni 15 minuti circa, arrivo di fronte terminal partenze/arrivi aeroporto dopo circa 20 – 30 minuti (forte influenza del traffico).

Where are the bus terminals in Pescara?

  • In Pescara we have located 1 bus terminal: Click here to open location in google maps. Pescara, Bus terminal is located about 1.35 km from the town centre, which is only a 17 minute walk. Near Pescara, coach station you can find: parking lot ( 194 m) and hotels or hostels (click here to see available accommodation) *.

How to get to Pescara?

  • Pescara is also one of the most popular tourist sites in Italy. Pescara is one of the most popular day trip destinations when visiting Italy. In Pescara we have located 1 bus terminal: Click here to open location in google maps. Pescara, Bus terminal is located about 1.35 km from the town centre, which is only a 17 minute walk.

How to get from Tua Urbano to Pescara?

  • The longest line from the TUA Urbano is: 38. This Bus route starts from Via Santa Lucia, 10 (Collecorvino) and ends at Via Tiburtina Valeria (Aeroporto D'Abruzzo) (Pescara). It covers over 23 km and has 58 stops.

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