Che pianeta è Eris?

Che pianeta è Eris?
discordia Il pianeta nano della discordia. Eris è il secondo pianeta nano per dimensioni del Sistema Solare dopo Plutone, sebbene la sua massa sia del 27% superiore.
Quanti gradi ci sono su Eris?
Molto probabilmente Eris ha una superficie rocciosa simile a Plutone. Gli scienziati pensano che le temperature superficiali variano da circa -217 gradi Celsius a -243 gradi Celsius. Il pianeta nano è spesso così lontano dal Sole che la sua atmosfera collassa e si congela, cadendo in superficie come neve.
Quante lune ha Eris?
Disnomia Eris/Lune
Quando hanno scoperto Eris?
5 gennaio 2005 Eris/Data di scoperta
What is the origin of the dwarf planet Eris?
- Formation. Dwarf planet Eris is a member of a group of objects that orbit in a disc-like zone beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper Belt. This distant realm is populated with thousands of miniature icy worlds, which formed early in the history of our solar system about 4.5 billion years ago.
How many satellites does the planet Eris have?
- Eris has one known satellite, a moon that was discovered in 2005, and was named Dysnomia, after the daughter of the goddess Eris. By the time of its discovery, Eris still had the nickname Xena, after a warrior princess in a TV show.
What is the name of the moon of Eris?
- Eris has a very small moon called Dysnomia. Dysnomia has a nearly circular orbit lasting about 16 days. This moon is named after Eris' daughter, the demon goddess of lawlessness. Dysnomia and other small moons around planets and dwarf planets allow astronomers to calculate the mass of the parent body.
What does Eris look like from the sky?
- Though its gravity is weak compared to earth, Eris has the strongest gravity out of all the dwarf planets: 0.82 m/s². If a person would stare into the sky from Eris, he or she would see a very sharp view of the Milky Way, and the stars, since atmosphere could not get in the way.