Come rivedere la puntata di Montalbano?

Come rivedere la puntata di Montalbano?
La serie di film Il Commissario Montalbano andrà in onda in prima serata su Rai 1 la a partire salle ore 21:10 circa. Sarà possibile seguire la diretta anche in streaming dal sito ovviamente agli stessi orari della messa in onda televisiva.
Why are the replicas of Montalbano so popular?
- Replicas de The young Montalbano and Michele Riondino and even before those de The commissioner Montalbano played by Luca Zingaretti continue to get good ratings, a sign that fiction is born from sicilian writer continues to be much appreciated by viewers.
Who is Salvo Montalbano?
- The young "Commissario" detective Salvo Montalbano, based in the fictitious village of Vigata, solves mysterious crimes in Sicilia.
What is the movie detdetective Montalbano about?
- Detective Montalbano ( Il Commissario Montalbano ) is a film rendition of a classic series of detective novels written by Andrea Camilleri. Our hero Salvo Montalbano, played by the excellent Luca Zingaretti, is a chief detective (Il Commissario) working in the province of Ragusta, Sicily, Italy.
Where is Montalbano filmed?
- it's all in a day's work for Detective Salvo Montalbano. Filmed in the ancient, sun-washed Sicilian city of Ragusa Ibla, the series is based on the international best-selling mystery novels by Andrea Camilleri and stars Luca Zingaretti.