Quanti figli aveva Neil Armstrong?
- Quanti figli aveva Neil Armstrong?
- Come sono tornati gli astronauti dalla Luna?
- Cosa scrisse l'uomo sulla Luna?
- Where is the Armstrong crater on the Moon?
- What did Neil Armstrong say when he landed on the Moon?
- When did Neil Armstrong become the commander of Apollo 11?
- What was Neil Armstrong's final assignment in the Gemini program?

Quanti figli aveva Neil Armstrong?
Karen Armstrong Mark ArmstrongEric Armstrong Neil Armstrong/Figli
Come sono tornati gli astronauti dalla Luna?
Il modulo lunare è composto da due distinte parti dette stadi: lo stadio di discesa permette di atterrare sulla Luna e allo stesso tempo funge da rampa di lancio allo stadio di ascesa che riporta gli astronauti sul CSM alla fine del loro soggiorno sulla Luna.
Cosa scrisse l'uomo sulla Luna?
Nell'anno 1999 Cernan pubblicò il libro The Last Man on the Moon. Qui descrive le sue esperienze nello spazio e come ebbe l'impressione di essere osservato da altre persone in quelle occasioni. Nel 2018 è stata pubblicata l'edizione italiana dell'autobiografia, intitolata L'ultimo uomo sulla Luna.
Where is the Armstrong crater on the Moon?
- Armstrong is a small lunar impact crater located in the southern part of the Mare Tranquillitatis. It lies about 50 kilometers to the northeast of the Apollo 11 landing site. Named after American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the crater is the easternmost of the row of three craters named in honor of the Apollo 11 crew members.
What did Neil Armstrong say when he landed on the Moon?
- When Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface, he famously said: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." Along with Collins and Aldrin, Armstrong was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Richard Nixon.
When did Neil Armstrong become the commander of Apollo 11?
- After Armstrong served as backup commander for Apollo 8, Slayton offered him the post of commander of Apollo 11 on Decem, as Apollo 8 orbited the Moon.
What was Neil Armstrong's final assignment in the Gemini program?
- In Armstrong's final assignment in the Gemini program, he was the back-up Command Pilot for Gemini 11; this was announced two days after the landing of Gemini 8. Having trained for two flights, Armstrong was quite knowledgeable about the systems and took on a teaching role for the rookie backup Pilot, William Anders.