Quanti Ponti ha fatto Morandi?

Quanti Ponti ha fatto Morandi?
Progettò, fra l'altro, il Ponte Amerigo Vespucci a Firenze, il viadotto Fausto Bisantis a Catanzaro, il viadotto Polcevera dell'Autostrada A10 Genova-Ventimiglia (parzialmente crollato il 14 agosto 2018), il ponte sul Wadi al-Kuf e il ponte Giuseppe Capograssi a Sulmona.
Come è morto Morandi?
25 dicembre 1989 Riccardo Morandi/Data di morte
What is the history of the Ponte Morandi?
- The bridge in Genoa, called the Ponte Morandi after its designer, Riccardo Morandi, was opened in 1967. Morandi had designed several similar bridges internationally. It was a cable-stayed bridge, a design heavily used in recent times.
What did Giuseppe Grillo say about the Ponte Morandi Bridge?
- Giuseppe Grillo, celebrated Italian and Genovese comedian and instigator of the “Movimento 5 Stelle” or Five-Star Movement (M5S), was a vocal critic of the plan to replace the bridge. On the M5S published an article on their Genoa blog speaking to “the fable of the imminent collapse of the Ponte Morandi”.
What is Morandi's theory of concrete resistance?
- In 1979 Riccardo Morandi himself cited sea air and pollution from a nearby steel plant for degrading the chemical resistance of the concrete surface. He recommended aggressive maintenance including sealing the cracks in the stays with epoxy. These recommendations were not implemented.