Cosa è successo a Cameron?

Cosa è successo a Cameron?
Cameron Boyce morì nel sonno, all'età di soli vent'anni, il 6 luglio 2019 a causa di un attacco epilettico, mentre era in cura per una forma di epilessia. Dopo l'autopsia, svoltasi per accertarne le cause di morte, il corpo fu cremato e le ceneri consegnate al padre, Victor Boyce.
In che anno è morto Cameron Boyce?
20 anni () Cameron Boyce/Età al momento della morte
Dove Cameron è Cameron Boyce morte?
North Hollywood, California, Stati Uniti Cameron Boyce/Luogo di morte
Come è morto Paul?
In una zona a velocità di 72 km/h sulla Hercules Street vicino a Kelly Johnson Parkway a Valencia, Santa Clarita, California, l'auto si schiantò contro un lampione di cemento e due alberi e prese fuoco.
What happened to Cameron Boyce?
- Actor Cameron Boyce, who starred in the Disney Channel’s television shows and series, has died at age 20. A spokesperson for his family told CNN that Boyce died in his sleep after a seizure...
Who is Boyce Boyce?
- Boyce was born and raised in Los Angeles, and was dubbed an old soul by those who knew him, according to Disney Channels’ biography of him. “His love of performing began in a dance studio, which then transitioned him into commercials, and not long after television and film,” the channel says.
How old was Cameron Boyce in Grown Ups?
- Cameron Boyce was only nine years old when he appeared in Kiefer Sutherland horror movie Mirrors - which his dad recently revealed the actor never watched. He then went on to play one of Adam Sandler's children in the movie Grown Ups.
What was the cause of death of Michael Boyce?
- Boyce died from "sudden unexpected death in epilepsy," the coroner's office determined after additional testing following an autopsy on July 8, according to the report. "The manner of death was certified as natural,'' the report said.