Quanti italiani in Uruguay?
- Quanti italiani in Uruguay?
- Come si chiamano gli abitanti Uruguay?
- Quanti italiani in Paraguay?
- Come parlano in Uruguay?
- Come si chiamano le persone che vivono in Honduras?
- Che lingue si parlano in Uruguay?
- What is the population of Uruguay?
- What is the birth rate in Uruguay?
- What is the total dependency ratio of population in Uruguay?
- When was the 2011 census in Uruguay?

Quanti italiani in Uruguay?
Nel 2020 i cittadini italiani (compresi gli uruguaiani con doppia cittadinanza) residenti in Uruguay sono quasi 130.000 contro i 71.0.
Come si chiamano gli abitanti Uruguay?
uruguaiano (o uruguayano) agg. e s. m. (f. -a). – Dell'Uruguay, territorio e repubblica dell'America Merid.: la popolazione u.; come sost., nativo, abitante, cittadino della Repubblica Orientale dell'Uruguay.
Quanti italiani in Paraguay?
Le origini della popolazione e la progressiva costruzione delle città riportano spesso a nomi italiani che rimbalzano in piazze, vie e edifici di notevole importanza. Si calcola che siano circa 300 000 i discendenti diretti ed indiretti di italiani presenti in Paraguay.
Come parlano in Uruguay?
Uruguay | |
Nome ufficiale | República Oriental del Uruguay |
Lingue ufficiali | spagnolo |
Altre lingue | italiano, portognolo |
Capitale | Montevideo ( ab. / 2009) |
Come si chiamano le persone che vivono in Honduras?
Meticci 90%, neri 5%, amerindi 4%, bianchi 1%. Etnie dell'Honduras: Chortís. Lenca.
Che lingue si parlano in Uruguay?
Lingua spagnola Uruguay/Lingue ufficiali
What is the population of Uruguay?
- As of 1 January 2019, the population of Uruguay was estimated to be 3,471,807 people. This is an increase of 0.34 % (11,626 people) compared to population of 3,460,181 the year before. In 2018 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 17,716.
What is the birth rate in Uruguay?
- In 2006, the country had a birth rate of 13.91 births per thousand population, lower than neighboring countries Argentina (16.73 births/1000 population) [3] and Brazil (16.56 births/1,000 population). During the past four decades, an estimated 500,000 Uruguayans had emigrated, principally to Brazil, Argentina and Europe.
What is the total dependency ratio of population in Uruguay?
- The productive part of population accordingly consists of population between 15 and 64 years. This ratio shows the pressure on productive population produced by the dependent part of population. The total dependency ratio of population in Uruguay is 56 %. What does this value mean?
When was the 2011 census in Uruguay?
- Note: The 2011 Census of the National Statistics Institute of Uruguay began in September 2011 and the preliminary results, stating population of departments, were announced in December 2011. Final results with numbers for localities were still pending as of .