Quando Black Friday Amazon 2019?

Quando Black Friday Amazon 2019?
29 novembre Oggi 29 novembre è Black Friday 2019 e su Amazon prendono ufficialmente il via gli sconti del venerdì nero, con tante offerte e prodotti in sconto che avviano la giornata di shopping più attesa dell'anno.
Is the Amazon breach worse for Amazon than Black Friday?
- The timing of the breach could not have been worse for Amazon. While Black Friday predominantly takes place in the US around the Thanksgiving holiday, hundreds of UK retailers now also take part on what has become a multi-billion pound shopping day.
How did online retailers fare on Black Friday?
- Online retailers were winners on a good news-bad news Black Friday that saw overall sales up nearly 20% over last year, but sales that came in under some expectations due to a drop-off in traditional brick and mortar shopping.
How much did people spend on Black Friday 2018?
- Black Friday e-commerce sales were up 20% year-over-year, but missed expectations. Online shoppers spent .4 billion on Friday. But the 20% growth was less than last year's 24% increase, and spending came in just short of the $7.5 billion that retail analysts had projected. The entire spend was up 17% year-over-year.
Should you change your password on Black Friday?
- While Black Friday predominantly takes place in the US around the Thanksgiving holiday, hundreds of UK retailers now also take part on what has become a multi-billion pound shopping day. Richard Walters, chief technical officer of cybersecurity firm CensorNet, said those affected should ignore Amazons’s advice and consider changing their passwords.