Come rivedere la serie tv I medici?

Come rivedere la serie tv I medici?
Fino a quel giorno I Medici è in streaming sul servizio RAI che ti permette di vedere tutti i contenuti andati in onda sui principali canali quando vuoi, dove vuoi e soprattutto gratuitamente. Per accedere allo streaming dei programmi Rai basta solo avere una connessione a Internet e registrarsi sul sito di RaiPlay.
Come finisce la storia dei Medici?
Il potere mediceo durò quasi ininterrotto, tranne qualche periodo di breve durata, dal 1434 con la signoria cittadina di Cosimo de' Medici, detto "il Vecchio" fino al 1737 con la morte senza eredi del granduca Gian Gastone de' Medici, l'ultimo della sua dinastia ed anche ultimo membro maschio legittimo della linea ...
Who is the producer of the series Medici?
- The series was produced by Italian companies Lux Vide and Rai Fiction, in collaboration with Frank Spotnitz's Big Light Productions. The series premiered in Italy on Rai 1 on 18 October 2016. The series follows the Medici family, bankers of the Pope, during Renaissance Florence.
What is the Medici family?
- The series tells the story of the family that helped the Renaissance to flourish and changed the face of Italy. It’s the early 15th century, and the place is Florence, in Tuscany, where the Medici are rising to power in the Florentine Republic.
What is Medici Masters of Florence on Netflix about?
- Medici Masters of Florence is the 8-episode series that’s been thrilling audiences on Netflix. The series tells the story of the family that helped the Renaissance to flourish and changed the face of Italy. It’s the early 15th century, and the place is Florence, in Tuscany, where the Medici are rising to power in the Florentine Republic.
Where did the Medici rise to power in Florence?
- It’s the early 15th century, and the place is Florence, in Tuscany, where the Medici are rising to power in the Florentine Republic. The ingredients are all here: political scheming, power-hungry families, passionate individuals, betrayals and murder.