Quanti abitanti aveva Chernobyl prima del disastro?

Quanti abitanti aveva Chernobyl prima del disastro?
C'erano circa 50mila abitanti a Pripyat, Ucraina, prima del 26 aprile 1986.
How dangerous is it to visit Chernobyl?
- There are very dangerous highly radioactive locations in the Chernobyl exclusion zone . Nevertheless, our Chernobyl tours are absolutely safe and do not cause any radioactive harm to your health. The routes of our Pripyat tours and Chernobyl tours apply to the strictest directives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Civil Protection.
Does Chernobyl still produce electricity?
- Even though Chernobyl does not produce electricity anymore about 4,000 workers still work at the nuclear power plant. They can only stay for two weeks at a time because of the high radiation.
How many people still live in Chernobyl?
- Today, over 1.6 million people live and seem to be thriving in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, yet the Chernobyl exclusion zone, a 30 square kilometer area surrounding the plant, remains relatively uninhabited.
When will Chernobyl be habitable again?
- "Asked when the reactor site would again become inhabitable, Ihor Gramotkin, director of the Chernobyl power plant, replies 'At least 20,000 years .'" Despite the 3,000 - or 20,000 - year warning,...