What does a grinder do America's Cup?

What does a grinder do America's Cup?

What does a grinder do America's Cup?

A grinder is a crew member on a yacht whose duties include operating manual winches (called "coffee grinders") that raise and trim the sails and move the boom. It is a physically demanding role with a significant impact on a racing yacht's overall performance.

What do the grinders do on America's Cup yachts?

The grinders are essentially running who's in what and how much power to put in at any moment. If they choose the wrong function at the wrong time and let oil pressure get too low, the boat will get unbalanced quite quickly, and the flight controller and the helmsman can't do anything about it.

What is a grinder in sailing?

Grinder. The engine room. Supplies the power to control the hoisting and trimming of the sails. If the grinders fail to generate enough hydraulic pressure it can lead to disastrous situations, such as capsizes.

Has anyone died on America's Cup?

Training on the San Francisco Bay turned deadly for an America's Cup racing team from Sweden. Andrew Simpson, a two-time Olympic medalist from the U.K., died in the accident. ...

How much do America's Cup sailors get paid?

$250-$300 estimated in the media. $10+ million spent on building the Cup-winning boat. $300,000: Annual salary for a low-ranking sailor.

Do America's Cup boats have engines?

The boats are Ribquest Velocities, 11.6 meters long and 2.9 meters wide, weighing just 3.5 tons and capable of speeds in excess of 70 knots when powered with three BF250 Honda Marine Outboards. The first boat is working in its role as a close quarter support boat with INEOS TEAM UK; the first responder in an emergency.

What happened to Nigel Burgess?

Nigel Burgess, a competitor in a solo round-the-world sailing race, was found dead off the coast of northwestern Spain today, a day after sending a distress signal, rescue officials said.

Has anyone ever died in the Vendee Globe?

Two deaths and an incredible feat The disappearance of the Englishman Nigel Burgess, on the first night of the race, in the Bay of Biscay and found drowned on November 26th at Cape Finisterre, floating in his survival suit, with his beacons, while his boat was found intact. ... His boat was found abandoned during the race.

How much does an America's Cup skipper make?

$300,000: Annual salary for a low-ranking sailor.

How much do yacht racers make?

Captains of luxury yachts command a base salary well into six figures. Dependent on the length of the vessel, tenure of experience, and level of licensing yacht captain salaries range from $48,000 to over $300,000.

How do America's Cup grinders work?

  • The loads that an America’s Cup boat generates are dealt with using hydraulics, so the grinders are pumping hydraulic fluid, not using muscle power to turn winches. Much of what they are doing is moving the daggerboards in three dimensions to keep the boat “foiling” efficiently.

What type of machinery is used in the America's Cup?

  • The AC50 class yachts used in the America's Cup competition have four positions (on each side) for grinders. These must be continuously operated to generate the hydraulic pressure needed by the yacht's controls. Until 2017, the machinery was arm operated winches.

Do New America's Cup sailors do nothing but grind?

  • There’s a perception that most of the new America’s Cup sailors do nothing but grind. The absence of the big, set-piece, choreographed manoeuvres — such as setting, dowsing and gybing spinnakers with 16-man crews — has led some to believe that the modern Cup sailor has little to do except wind on the handles.

How do America's Cup boats turn winches?

  • You have to realize that the “grinders” on America’s Cup boats have a different role than those on a normal racing yacht. The loads that an America’s Cup boat generates are dealt with using hydraulics, so the grinders are pumping hydraulic fluid, not using muscle power to turn winches.

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