Quali banche ha assorbito Intesa San Paolo?

Quali banche ha assorbito Intesa San Paolo?
Nata il primo gennaio 2007 dalla fusione di Sanpaolo IMI e Banca Intesa, Intesa Sanpaolo è il frutto del processo di integrazione che ha portato alla progressiva incorporazione di Cariplo, del Banco Ambrosiano Veneto e della Banca Commerciale Italiana e alla fusione dell'Istituto Bancario Sanpaolo di Torino e IMI.
Cosa cambia per i correntisti Ubi Banca?
Le principali novità saranno quelle che riguarderanno i correntisti: per loro cambierà innanzitutto il codice Iban, ma i bonifici in entrata e gli addebiti domiciliati alle vecchie coordinate verranno aggiornati automaticamente.
What is Intesa Sanpaolo doing with UBI Banca Group?
- Intesa Sanpaolo has received prior authorisation from IVASS for indirect acquisition of UBI Banca Group interests in insurance companies Intesa Sanpaolo: prior public exchange offer for all the ordinary shares of Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A.
What is the Intesa Sanpaolo offer?
- Intesa Sanpaolo: voluntary public purchase and exchange offer for all the ordinary shares of Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. launched by Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.. Approval and publication of the Supplement to the Information Document
What is UBI Banca?
- UBI Banca was founded on the 1st of April 2007, by the merger of BPU and Banca Lombarda e Piemontese.and is considered the fifth largest bank in Italy by number of branches. UBI Banca is listed on the Italian stock exchange and it is also included in the FTSE MIB index.
What is it like to work at Ubi?
- “UBI is the best run medium-sized bank in Italy, both in terms of its balance sheet and its commitment to the real economy and sustainability. “UBI’s CEO and management team have done an excellent job, and they can expect notable opportunities inside the new Group that will emerge from this operation.